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EU appeals to Russia over suspension of grain deal

Jul 18, 2023

The European Union has called on Russia to reconsider its decision and immediately resume the implementation of the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

This was stated by EU diplomat Josep Borrell in his statement on Russia's suspension of the Black Sea Grain Initiative on Monday, according to Evropeiska Pravda.

On behalf of the entire EU, Borrell emphasized that Russia continues to use food as a weapon.


By breaking the agreement, Russia is single-handedly blocking one of the most important main routes for grain exports from Ukraine and is solely responsible for disruptions in grain supplies around the world and rising food prices, Borrell added.

"The EU calls on Russia to reconsider its decision and immediately resume the implementation of the Black Sea Grain Initiative," the statement said.

"The EU will make every effort to continue to support the timely and stable delivery of all goods, especially agricultural products, to world markets through the EU-Ukraine Solidarity Routes.

The EU will continue to work with the affected partner countries to address global food security and support all efforts to restore the Black Sea Grain Initiative, Borrell added.

Author - Olena Madiak, 18/07/2023

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