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EU criticizes Hungary for shortcomings in the rule of law

Jul 24, 2024

The European Commission in its annual report on the rule of law, published on Wednesday, July 24, recognized the situation in Hungary as unsatisfactory, which has done almost nothing to implement previous recommendations.

This was reported by Népszava.

In the new report, the European Commission put forward the largest number of recommendations to Hungary - eight - to improve the rule of law.

They relate to increasing the transparency and independence of the judiciary, the activities of non-governmental organizations and the media, the fight against corruption and illegal lobbying, and state interference in business.


This year's assessment by the European Commission shows that the government of Viktor Orban has not fully implemented any of the recommendations set out in last year's report. Progress was noted only in the area of judicial reform, while it was pointed out that political influence on the prosecutor's office remains.

Separately, the report emphasizes the growing state interference and arbitrary decisions of the authorities in Hungary, which continue to create problems for the functioning of business in the EU single market.

Author - Olena Madiak, 24/07/2024

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