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Fico talks to Shmyhal about Lukoil oil transit

Jul 26, 2024

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico held a telephone conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart Denys Shmyhal, during which he proposed a “technical solution” to resume the transit of Russian Lukoil oil through Ukraine.

This was reported on Friday, July 26, by the press service of the head of the Slovak government, TASR reports.


During the conversation, the report says, Fico offered his Ukrainian counterpart a “technical solution” to the transit of Russian oil, “in which several states, including Slovakia, should take part.”

“The resumption of transit of part of the Russian oil is extremely important for the Slovneft refinery, as alternative sources of oil are more expensive and may be technologically unsuitable,” the Slovak government emphasized.

Author - Olena Madiak, 26/07/2024

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