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Finland proposes to officially ban Russians from buying real estate

May 17, 2024

A working group at the Finnish Ministry of Defense has approved a proposal to restrict the purchase of real estate by citizens of foreign countries that violate the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of another state.

This is reported by Yle.

According to the proposal of the working group, in the future, Finland will not allow representatives of countries that, in the opinion of the EU, have violated the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and independence of another state or that may threaten the security of Finland to purchase real estate.


“The main advantage of the ban is that it will give Russia fewer and fewer opportunities to undermine Finland's security,” Finnish Defense Minister Antti Häkkinen told Yle.

The ban will apply to both individuals and legal entities, but will not apply to dual nationals or people with permanent residence in Finland.

The Finnish government will now develop a legislative proposal to make the ban effective, as well as separate regulations to determine which countries it will apply to.

Author - Olena Madiak, 17/05/2024

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