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Foreign Ministers of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania to meet in Chisinau

Jul 2, 2024

The third trilateral meeting of the foreign ministers of Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine will take place in Chisinau this week.

This was announced by Moldovan Foreign Minister Mihai Popschiu, Yevropeiskaia Pravda reports, citing Newsmaker.


Popschiu said that he would discuss cooperation in the energy and infrastructure sectors with his colleagues from Romania and Ukraine.

"The meeting is to take place at the end of this week in Chisinau. We will discuss cooperation in the energy and infrastructure sectors and synchronize our plans. We will see how we can expand cooperation and help each other," Popschiu told Radio Moldova's La 360 de grade program.

According to the minister, the new trilateral meeting is a good opportunity to see what else the countries can improve and what benefits they can get from close relations.

"We have excellent relations with both Kyiv and Bucharest... This trilateral format helps us to synchronize in the context of regional cooperation. Despite all the difficulties, this cooperation can be called fruitful. It meets the interests of the citizens of the three countries," the Foreign Minister emphasized.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 02/07/2024

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