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Genocide in Donbas continues: new cemeteries appear

Jan 9, 2023

Genocide is increasingly spreading in the temporarily occupied Donbas - new cemeteries appear, children are deported, men are mobilized.


This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the comment of the Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Security Pavlo Lysyansky on Freedom TV channel.

As noted by Lysyansky, the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Donbas is catastrophic: men continue to disappear, new cemeteries appear, residents of the occupied territories die at the front, the occupation authorities are ordered to bury in separate cemeteries.

"Instead of some infrastructure projects, new cemeteries are being created. In order to fill the shortage of labor, the occupiers bring workers from other regions, such as Tuva, Bashkiria, Leningrad region. This is a policy of replacement. The Kremlin's task is to send the locals to fight because they are Ukrainians, they remember how they lived in these territories under the Ukrainian government when a miner received 1-1.3 thousand dollars at that rate," emphasizes Lysyansky.

He said that new cemeteries appear near boiler houses, in mining villages.

"Why new cemeteries? In order not to create a stir, the occupation administrations forbade burying the dead men in the old cemeteries. They began to give the "200" cargo in the spring, and this is just the May holidays, Easter, Chervona Hirka, people have a tradition of visiting cemeteries en masse. And so, to reduce the number of dead, they were forbidden to bury them in the old burial places," explained the director of the Institute.

He also said that the occupation authorities ordered to bury the deceased at the front in the presence of no more than five people.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 09/01/2023

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