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Germany is ready to transfer income from frozen RF assets to Ukraine

May 22, 2024

Germany is open to using the proceeds from frozen Russian assets for military aid to Ukraine.


This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Reuters.

“If there is a legally possible mechanism that will allow us to better manage these financial flows from frozen assets in the future, we are definitely open to this,” a source at the German Ministry of Finance told the agency.

At the same time, Germany is ready to confiscate only the income from Russian sovereign assets, not the assets themselves. According to the German Ministry of Finance, such an approach allows complying with the fundamental principle of sovereign inviolability of states.

Reuters notes that next week this issue will be discussed at a meeting of G7 finance ministers in Italy, to which Ukraine has also been invited.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 23/05/2024

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