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Council calls on NATO countries to speed up accession to the Alliance

Apr 11, 2023

The Verkhovna Rada appeals to the member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly to accelerate Ukraine's accession to the Alliance.


This was announced in Telegram by MP from the Voice parliamentary faction Yaroslav Zheleznyak, Ukrinform reports.

He specified that 352 deputies voted for the relevant resolution No. 9192.

According to the text of the appeal, the Ukrainian parliament appeals to NATO member states to continue to support the "open door" policy towards Ukraine.

The Verkhovna Rada also asks NATO member states and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly to support Ukraine's need for membership in the Alliance, which is justified under the current extraordinary circumstances.

In addition, the Verkhovna Rada calls on the parliaments of NATO member states to adopt appropriate decisions confirming their leading role in supporting Ukraine's accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; to address the governments with which Ukraine has started the relevant negotiation process with a proposal to adopt statements of support for Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic aspirations; to facilitate the adoption of important decisions during the spring session of the NATO PA in Luxembourg aimed at bringing Ukraine closer to future NATO membership by approving the relevant Declaration on

At the same time, the Ukrainian parliament requests that on the eve of the NATO Summit in Vilnius, the member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization contribute to the formation of a common vision of modalities and timeframes for Ukraine's accession to NATO, and authorize their governments to take all measures to convene a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission at the level of leaders with the participation of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the NATO Summit in Vilnius.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 11/04/2023

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