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How Russians in Mariupol feel about the Ukrainian counteroffensive

May 9, 2023

The Russian occupiers in Mariupol are seriously preparing to fight for the city. They are aware that a counteroffensive by the Ukrainian army is inevitable, so they will be reinforcing their defenses.


And the invaders are trying to calm people down so that they stay in the city. Petro Andriushchenko, an advisor to the mayor of Mariupol, told Channel 24.

"If we quickly break through to the city, they need people on the contrary, because someone has to be a human shield. Civilian occupants should also stay because Russians treat their own in the same way. In the public space, there is a continuous reassurance: "Russia is here forever," Andriushchenko said.

Preparing for a meeting with the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The occupiers have already built a circular defense. Now they are building fortifications inside the city. Azovstal is constantly being cleared of mines - this is also part of the preparation of a bridgehead for the defense of Mariupol when Ukraine advances. They are punching corridors to the normal entrance to the underground fortifications where they can be based.

They are preparing Azovstal as a logistics base to store everything they need in case our offensive advances to Mariupol. They are preparing for this very seriously,

- said the advisor to the mayor of Mariupol.

Andriushchenko noted that so far the enemy has not secured the road to Novoazovsk from the Russian side. They see it as the main reserve corridor for supplying Mariupol.

"At the moment it is difficult to imagine such a powerful strike to bypass Mariupol and encircle it. And they realize this. That is why this direction is not being reinforced, they see it as a future "gift of life," says the advisor to the mayor.
"We sincerely believe that the offensive will go in such a way that the entire front will crumble, and they will be forced to demonstrate a "gesture of goodwill" and leave Mariupol on their own.
"If it comes to the capture of Mariupol, they will simply finish it off in defense mode. Whether they are on the offensive or defense, they will end up in the same way - with the destruction of our cities and the killing of our people," summarized Petro Andriushchenko.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 09/05/2023

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