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How the US sees Ukraine's victory: Blinken gave an answer

Jul 2, 2024

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken explained how the United States sees Ukraine's victory.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the website of the US State Department.


According to Blinken, a strong and successful Ukraine that is integrated with the West and can stand on its own two feet militarily, economically, and democratically will be a significant success for Kyiv. Thus, he commented on President Zelenskyy's statement that Ukraine and the West have different understandings of victory.

The Secretary of State noted that Ukraine should focus on its ability to deter the enemy and defend itself against aggression for many years.

"President Biden has paved the way for more than 30 countries to agree to negotiate bilateral security agreements with Ukraine for ten years. These agreements also tell Vladimir Putin that he cannot wait out Ukraine, he cannot wait out all of Ukraine's partners. At the same time, Ukraine is developing its own defense industry base so that it can provide for itself," Blinken said.

He also touched upon the economy, on which much depends. According to the secretary of state, the United States is working to attract investment in Ukraine, and with the right investment, the Ukrainian economy has enormous potential.

"We are trying to attract private sector investment to Ukraine so that its economy can grow and prosper. We can already see that Ukraine is exporting as much through the Black Sea as it was exporting before February 2022. With the right investment, Ukraine's economy has enormous potential. Of course, for both military and economic potential, it is necessary to provide air defense to protect the territories in which you invest. I think you'll see more news on that in the coming weeks as we get into the NATO summit next week," Blinken said.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 02/07/2024

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