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Hungary may ratify Sweden's NATO application in the fall

Jul 14, 2023

Hungary may ratify Sweden's application for NATO membership this fall.

This was reported by Reuters.


According to the publication, yesterday, July 13, Hungary announced that it could ratify Sweden's application for NATO membership in the fall, and a ruling party lawmaker said that Turkey's decision to support Sweden's application opened the door to strengthening the alliance when needed.

Hungarian lawmaker Zsolt Nemeth said that there was no need to convene an extraordinary session of parliament earlier to approve the decision, as Turkey's approval would come later.

"We will take up work in mid-September," Nemeth, the head of Hungarian parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, said.

As a reminder, Sweden applied for NATO membership in 2022, and since then, all NATO allies have ratified its membership, except Hungary and Turkey.

After the NATO summit in Vilnius, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Sweden's accession to the Alliance would not be considered until the fall.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 14/07/2023

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