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IDF commented on deadly attack on humanitarian convoy in Gaza Strip

Apr 3, 2024

Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), Herzi Halevi, said that the deadly Israeli strike on a humanitarian convoy in the Gaza Strip on April 2 was the result of "misidentification".

This is reported with reference to the Israeli Defense Forces page on the social network X (Twitter).

"Last night, seven employees of the World Central Kitchen were killed. WCK is an organization whose people work around the world, including in Israel, to do good in difficult circumstances. The IDF works closely with World Central Kitchen and appreciates the important work they do," Halevi said in the video message.

He also said that the Israeli army has already completed a preliminary investigation into the attack. Its results were transmitted from the base of the IDF Southern Command.

"It was a mistake that followed a misidentification—at night during a war in very complex conditions. It shouldn’t have happened," the military explained, adding that there was no "intention of harming WCK humanitarian workers".

An "independent" body will also investigate the incident and release its findings in the coming days, Halevi said, adding that the IDF will immediately implement its findings and share them with WCK, along with other relevant international organizations.

"This incident was a serious mistake. Israel is at war with Hamas, not the people of Gaza. We regret the unintentional harm caused to the WCK members. We heartily share the grief of their families, as well as the entire World Central Kitchen organization," said the IDF Chief of Staff.

As a reminder, on April 2, in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military attacked a convoy of the humanitarian organization World Central Kitchen with missiles from a drone.

The attack killed seven mission workers - citizens of Australia, Canada and Poland, an American-Canadian dual citizen as well as three British citizens.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he was shocked by the incident. The British Foreign Office summoned Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely, who met with the country's Development Minister Andrew Mitchell.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 03/04/2024

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