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Invader says he is waiting for the opportunity to escape

Jan 12, 2023

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine published another interception of a conversation of a Russian invader, who says that he is waiting for the opportunity to go to Russia to escape from service.


The conversation was published by the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine on Facebook, Ukrinform reported.

"I do not know, they say that we are being taken to Russia for re-formation, and then to Kherson. And I think, if Russia succeeds, I will not go there anymore. I will try to "loop" and get f*cked in Pechenga [Murmansk region, Russia]," - the Russian said.

The invader also confesses that he is afraid to get to the Kherson region "If they want to throw near Kherson, and they say there, the ass is full".

The enemy also calls his 200th brigade, in which, according to the occupier, they refuse to dismiss after the expiration of the contract, "the most finished".

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 12/01/2023

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