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Iran holds talks on nuclear pact with EU mediator

Jun 22, 2023

Iran held talks in Qatar with the European Union's Enrique Mora, who is coordinating talks between Tehran and the six powers to renew the 2015 nuclear pact.


According to Ukrinform, Reuters reports this with reference to the leading Iranian negotiator on the nuclear program Ali Bagheri Qani.

Negotiations between Iran and world powers on the renewal of the 2015 agreement, designed to limit Tehran's controversial nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief, reached a deadlock last September, the report said.

"I held a serious and constructive meeting with Mora in Doha (the capital of Qatar - ed.). We exchanged views and discussed a number of issues, including negotiations on the lifting of sanctions," Bagheri Kani wrote on Twitter.

It is worth noting that in 2018, former US President Donald Trump withdrew from the nuclear pact and reimposed sanctions on Iran, which in response violated the agreement by restoring enriched uranium reserves.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 22/06/2023

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