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Kuleba responds to fakes: Ukraine has never had "dirty bombs"

Jun 23, 2023

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has responded to the Russian authorities, who again accuse Ukraine of allegedly developing "dirty bombs."

Kuleba wrote about this on Twitter.

"Russian propaganda is up to its old tricks again, trying to fabricate a story about a 'dirty bomb'. I emphasize once again: Ukraine has never had, does not have, and does not plan to develop "dirty bombs," he emphasized.

The Foreign Minister reminded that when Russia first started spreading fakes on this issue last year, Ukraine granted full access to its nuclear facilities to the IAEA, which debunked the lies.


Russia has recently started spreading fake news again that Ukraine has allegedly returned to developing a "dirty bomb".

Russia has announced the alleged detention of five people who allegedly tried to smuggle a kilogram of radioactive cesium-137 abroad. According to Russian propaganda, the radioactive substance was planned to be used to harm Russian interests during the war and to discredit the country in the international arena by staging scenes of the use of weapons of mass destruction.

Author - Olena Madiak, 23/06/2023

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