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Kuleba: We do not believe that the US support has faltered

Oct 2, 2023

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said that despite the absence of a US decision to help Ukraine amid a possible shutdown, US support has not wavered.

Source: Kuleba speaking to journalists in Kyiv on Monday before an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers, Yevropeiska Pravda.

Direct speech: "The question is whether what happened in the US Congress last weekend was a case or a system. I think it was a case. We are having a very deep discussion with both parts of Congress, Republicans and Democrats."


Details: He noted that amid a potential shutdown in the United States, "the decision was made as it was."

Direct speech: "But we are now working with both sides of Congress to ensure that it does not happen again under any circumstances. So we do not believe that the support of the United States has wavered."

Author - Olena Madiak, 02/10/2023

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