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Kyiv writes to allies about Western components in the Shaheda

Sep 27, 2023

Ukraine has sent a document to its Western partners stating that the Iranian-made Shahed drones used by Russia in the war contain many sanctioned components from Western countries.

Source: The Guardian with reference to the document.

Details: According to the British newspaper, a 47-page document sent by Ukraine to the G7 countries in August stated that 52 Western-made electronics components were found in Shahed-131 drones and 57 in Shahed-136 drones.


The document reads: "Among the manufacturers are companies headquartered in the countries that have imposed sanctions: USA, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Japan, Poland... Iranian drone production has adapted (to the sanctions - ed.) and mainly uses available commercial components, the supply of which is insufficiently controlled or not controlled at all."

Details: The document also mentions that Iran has diversified its production through a Syrian factory, which then supplies products to Novorossiysk (Russia).

At the same time, the production of these drones is gradually being established in Russian Tatarstan, although Tehran remains a supplier of components.

Author - Olena Madiak, 27/09/2023

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