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Last year, the EU reduced imports of steel products from RF by 40%.

Mar 2, 2024

The European Union has reduced imports of mining and metal products from Russia by 39.5%, down to 4.8 million tons compared to 2023.


RBC-Ukraine reports regarding GMK Center.

The cost of importing Russian products decreased by 38.5% to €2.4 billion.

Semi-finished products accounted for the bulk of imports, accounting for 69.4% of the total. In 2023, the EU imported 3.11 million tons from Russia, which is 16.6% less than last year. Belgium accounted for the largest volume of semi-finished product imports, 1.22 million tons (-16.8%).

In 2023, the supply of iron ore from Russia to the EU amounted to 332.3 thousand tons, which is 88.2% less than in 2022. Most of the raw materials were shipped to Slovakia - 185.94 thousand tons (-66%). Imports of ferroalloys amounted to 46.1 thousand tons (-63.9%), pig iron - 1.4 million tons (+20.1%), and scrap metal - 35.1 thousand tons (-95.3%).

In addition, Eurostat identified the main consumers of Russian mining and metals products in 2023:

  • pig iron - Italy - 1.18 million tons (+22.1%);
  • Ferroalloys - the Netherlands - 34.5 thousand tons (-67.5%);
  • scrap - Lithuania - 31.35 thousand tons (+84%).

Thus, even with the sanctions against Russia, the Russian mining and metallurgical complex is successfully exporting products to the European Union. Although the figures have decreased compared to 2022, when exports amounted to 7.92 million tons worth €3.87 billion, supplies remain high.

It feels twofold. I think they've reduced imports. But it seems as if they are helping Ukraine with one hand and supporting murderers with the other.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 02/03/2024

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