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Lithuania calls on the EU to increase Ukrainian grain exports

Jul 24, 2023

Vilnius has called on the European Commission (EC) to strengthen the route of grain exports from Ukraine through the Baltic States.

According to Yevropeiska Pravda, this was stated in a joint letter published by the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry, written by Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, Minister of Transport and Communications Marius Kuodis, and Minister of Agriculture Kęstutis Navickas.

The Lithuanian ministers said that the route between Ukraine and the Baltic states could become a "viable and long-term alternative" for grain exports from Ukraine.


In their opinion, improving the corridor's infrastructure and simplifying cargo transshipment between different railways will help increase throughput.

In addition, they note, the simplification of administrative procedures at the Polish-Ukrainian border, the introduction of "green lines" and the transfer of customs clearance to the ports of the Baltic States would allow to increase in the volume of agricultural products transportation by both road and rail several times.

"The seaports of the Baltic countries have great capacities for transshipment of agricultural products - 25 million tons of grain alone per year," the letter says.

Author - Olena Madiak, 24/07/2023

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