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Lithuania extends temporary protection for Ukrainians

Feb 21, 2024

Ukrainian refugees in Lithuania will not be required to know the Lithuanian language for employment for at least another year.


This decision was made by the Lithuanian government on Wednesday, LRT reports.

The Lithuanian government has extended the period during which "the categories of proficiency in the state language do not apply to the employment of foreigners under temporary protection in Lithuania."

Initially, this period was two years after obtaining temporary protection, but now it has been extended to three years.

The government also extended the period of temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees until March 2025.

According to the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport, the state "will continue to provide Ukrainians with the opportunity to learn Lithuanian through activities funded by the Employment Service or through the system of individual study accounts."

In mid-March 2023, the Lithuanian Language Inspectorate informed politicians that starting in March 2024, it would start checking the language proficiency of Ukrainian refugees working in the country, as required by law.

The letter stated that if employers did not provide a certificate of language proficiency for their employees, "the language inspectorate and municipal language authorities will be forced to take action."

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 22/02/2024

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