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Lithuania proposes to create a "Ukrainian Ministry"

Feb 9, 2024

The Lithuanian parliament is proposing to create an institution in the country called the "Ukrainian Ministry" to coordinate work on the Ukrainian European direction and consolidate assistance.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine regarding a statement made by Lithuanian MP Andrius Kubilus during the Lithuania-Ukraine conference.

He reminded that the European Commission has launched the "Department of Ukraine" (this is the Ukrainian department of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement - ed.)

"We understand why this is done: negotiations, restoration, and so on. This body will help consolidate and coordinate all this. If Ukraine is our 'plan of the decade', then we need a 'Ukrainian Ministry'. Well, maybe not a ministry, but an institutional arrangement that will work in the same direction. We will try to implement such plans," Kubilus said.

The Lithuanian MP also emphasized the need for continuity of military support for Ukraine. According to him, it is very important to reach a collective agreement in the European Parliament that 0.25% of the GDP of each EU member state should be allocated to help Ukraine.

The participants of the international conference "Lithuania-Ukraine" also discussed Lithuania's support for Ukraine, its experience and prospects. Attention was paid to four areas: humanitarian and military support, as well as assistance in the restoration of our country and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 10/02/2024

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