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Lukashenka declares his desire to "improve relations" with Poland

Aug 12, 2023

Self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that Belarus is "open for cooperation" with Poland.


According to Ukrinform, Lukashenka's press service reports.

"We need to talk to the Poles. If they want to, let's talk, let's establish relations. We are open to cooperation," the Belarusian dictator said.

Lukashenka expressed the opinion that Poland "is unlikely to make significant changes (in relations with Belarus - ed.) before the parliamentary elections to be held on October 15." "They are demanding and asking a lot from us, but we cannot agree to it because it is against our interests," he added.

At the same time, Lukashenka accused the United States of allegedly pushing Poland to escalate the situation in the region.

He also noted that Belarus is currently "living off the East," meaning cooperation with Russia and China. However, he added that we should not forget "about the high-tech West."

"They are close by, they are our neighbors - the European Union. And we cannot lose our relations with them. We are ready for this, but taking into account our interests," Lukashenka said.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 12/08/2023

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