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Moldova to hold referendum on EU accession on October 20

May 16, 2024

At a meeting on May 16, the Moldovan parliament approved the date of the referendum on the country's accession to the European Union. The voting will take place on October 20.

Source: Newsmaker.

Details: 55 deputies of the ruling party “Action and Solidarity” (PAS) voted for the decision. Another 20 opposition MPs abstained, and one opposition MP voted against.


The authors of the bill changed the question to be put to a referendum. Instead of the question “Are you in favor of Moldova's accession to the EU?”, the ballot will contain the question: “Do you support the introduction of European integration into the Constitution of Moldova?” And there will be two answers: “Yes” and “No”.

One of the authors of the draft law on holding the referendum, PAS MP Veronica Rosca, added that the ballot will specify the specific changes that will be made to the Constitution if the majority of voters vote in favor of the referendum.

Author - Olena Madiak, 16/05/2024

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