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NATO Command and Control Exercise concludes in Romania

May 12, 2023

About 500 military personnel from Italy, Romania, the United States, and France took part in the Dacian Spring 2023 command and staff exercise, which took place on Romanian territory from May 8 to 12.

This was announced on Friday by the Romanian Ministry of Defense.

The purpose of the Dacian Spring 2023 exercise was to test the rapid deployment of the French brigade's command post in Romania in real-time and the process of integrating forces under the command and control of the South-East Multinational Division Command.


The Chief of the General Staff of the Romanian Armed Forces, General Daniel Petrescu, said that the exercise confirmed the high efficiency of NATO battlegroups in Romania and Bulgaria and the ability of the command of the Multinational Division South-East to conduct a defensive operation in its area of responsibility.

"It was a collective effort that has the prerequisites for success," he said.

Author - Olena Madiak, 12/05/2023

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