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NATO makes a strong statement on Ukraine

May 16, 2024

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the statement of the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Robert Bauer.

"Ukraine has demonstrated to the world that it is capable of achieving unprecedented success on the battlefield," he said.

The Admiral emphasized that time in Ukraine is not measured in days, weeks or months, it is measured in human life.

"In allied countries, a week is a week. In Ukraine, a week is a mother... a father... a child... a friend... a loved one lost forever," he added.

Bauer assured that it is not too late for Ukraine to win and "Ukraine's freedom cannot, should not and will not die."

"And allies, if they face a choice between meeting NATO's capability goals or supporting Ukraine... should support Ukraine. Stockpiles can and will be replenished. And the lives lost are lost forever," he continued.

The admiral emphasized that the Russian leadership has made it clear that it has chosen impunity - acting in accordance with the alleged existential threat.

"And all this is in order to justify their relentless desire to gain power abroad in order not to lose power at home. And for this, they are ready to sacrifice not only hundreds of thousands of their own people - without even bothering to pick up their corpses on the battlefield. But more than that: they are ready to jeopardize the well-being of many more millions of people around the world, using food, energy and migration as weapons," he summarized.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 16/05/2024

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