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Neo-Nazi group banned in Germany with US help

Sep 19, 2023

German Interior Minister Nancy Feser has banned the activities of the far-right group Hammerskins Germany, a move that was preceded by cooperation with the United States.

This was reported by DPA with reference to the country's Interior Ministry.

The group opposes the constitutional order and the idea of international understanding, so the purpose and activities of the association contradict criminal law, the agency said, justifying its actions.

A related organization called Crew 38 and regional branches of Hammerskins were also banned. On Tuesday, police searched the apartments of 28 suspected members of the group in 10 German states.


According to the ministry, the federal and state governments worked together for more than a year to prepare the ban. They also cooperated with American partners, as the organization is an offshoot of the US-based white supremacist group Hammerskins, which has been active in Germany since the early 1990s.

The concerts organized by Hammerskins were used to spread right-wing extremist ideology, including among non-members, the department said in a statement.

Feather called the ban a strong blow to organized right-wing extremism, saying it would send a clear message against racism and anti-Semitism.

Author - Olena Madiak, 19/09/2023

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