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Next Ramstein may be held in the middle of March - Reznikov

Feb 20, 2023

The next meeting in the "Ramstein" format may be held in mid-March, it is likely to be held online.

This was announced at a briefing by Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov, reports Ukrinform.

"The next date, if I'm not mistaken, is the middle of March. But with a high probability, it will be online. I think that the anniversary of "Ramstein," which began last April, probably will be in Ramstein, directly in the military this airbase. And in March, I think I will be able to connect from Kyiv, "- informed the official.

Separately, when asked when he learned that U.S. President Joe Biden was coming to Kyiv, Reznikov said recently.

"It was all kept really quite private, so it came as a surprise to a lot of us, too. I was packing my bags for Poland, frankly," he clarified.

Author - Olena Madiak, 20/02/2023

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