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Norway expels 15 Russian diplomats for espionage

Apr 13, 2023

Norway declared 15 Russian diplomats persona non grata. They are being expelled from the country because of espionage.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine, citing a statement from the Norwegian Foreign Ministry.


The Norwegian government's decision is a response to the changing situation in Europe, which has led to an increase in the intelligence threat from Russia. Norway stressed that the Russians were active intelligence officers working under diplomatic cover.

"The 15 intelligence officers were engaged in activities incompatible with their diplomatic status," Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt said.

The foreign minister added that Russia posed the greatest intelligence threat to Norway. According to her, the spies' activities have been monitored for a long time.

In April 2022, Norway declared three Russian diplomats persona non grata.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 13/04/2022

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