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Occupants start installing mysterious transmitters on Shahed-136

Mar 13, 2023

Shahed-136s launched by the occupiers from the territory of the Bryansk region emit incomprehensible signals. Previously, Iranian kamikaze drones flew silently. This became known by radio technology specialist Serhiy Flesh.


He claims that the Russians have already launched three groups of drones with mysterious transmitters. They emit signals in the frequency range of 1,624-1,625 MHz. This has never happened before. Flash believes that the radiation is coming from a drone flying at the forefront of the group. At the same time, the possibility of a third-party aircraft accompanying the Shahed group cannot be ruled out.

The above frequency band is used by the Iridium commercial mobile satellite communications network. Iridium is headquartered in the United States. Despite this, the company continues to operate in the Russian market. Last summer, the Russian Ministry of Digital Transformation announced that Iridium had extended its license to use the frequency range in Russia for 10 years. Flesh believes that one of the drones in the group carries a modem that provides satellite communications.

The data transfer rate is extremely low. A large amount of information cannot be transmitted via satellite. At the same time, according to the expert, the signals appeared for a reason. The occupiers are clearly up to something.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 13/03/2023

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