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Occupier told about the destruction of a Ukrainian village

Dec 31, 2022

A Russian serviceman spoke about the destruction of a Ukrainian village by the occupying army. The interception of his conversation was published by the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine on Facebook on December 30.

"Some guys were sent on an infantry fighting vehicle, they were there for two or three months, they were trained... They arrived, stayed here for one or two days, then they were taken away last night. Do you know where they were taken? We stormed one village here. Two streets were ours, one was Khokhlyak's. And yesterday they went to storm this street. It's a sh*t hole! There is nothing left of the village," - he said.

The occupant said that out of 140 people they had 45 left. The rest were either killed or wounded.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 31/12/2022

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