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OSCE Chairman on Russia's expulsion: debate is over

Dec 1, 2023

The debate on Russia's possible expulsion from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has been exhausted for the time being.


This was stated by the OSCE chairman and North Macedonian Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, RBC-Ukraine reports citing infobae.

"I think that these debates are exhausted, at least for the time being," Osmani said, commenting on Russia's possible expulsion from the organization.

He explained that there are two arguments that prevent such a decision. One is legal, which requires 56 out of 57 members to support Russia's expulsion, and the other is political, as many members of the organization consider it a forum for dialogue between countries that do not think alike.

Although the OSCE takes all its decisions by consensus, there is a so-called "consensus minus 1" formula that is used in cases of serious violations of OSCE principles and has been used only once to date - in the case of Yugoslavia in 1991.

"But we think that this principle will not work now, because there are different opinions within the OSCE," Osmani said.

Even with this formula, Russia's exclusion is impossible, as Belarus is also a member of the organization.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 02/12/2023

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