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Poland details the preparation of a new agreement on relations

Apr 6, 2023

Harmonization of all provisions of the new Polish-Ukrainian agreement on relations will require the work of negotiating groups, as well as a second meeting of the presidents of Poland and Ukraine.

This was stated by Deputy Foreign Minister Piotr Wawrzyk on Polish Radio.

According to Wawrzyk, the new Polish-Ukrainian agreement will bring relations between the two countries to a higher level, and detailed issues regarding Polish-Ukrainian relations will be the subject of negotiations between individual ministries.


Wawrzyk explained that the treaty should reflect the exceptionally close and non-standard relations between Poland and Ukraine.

"We need a document that will give them a new impetus, which will allow us to authorize these special relations by an international treaty, to bring them to a higher level in the international, formal legal dimension, regulating the most important issues in the relationship," Wawrzyk said.

The day before, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy paid a visit to Poland.

Author - Olena Madiak, 06/04/2023

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