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Polish carriers' strike disrupts supply of the AFU's front line

Dec 7, 2023

The blocking of the border with Ukraine by Polish carriers disrupts the supply of troops on the front line, who cannot receive the necessary components and devices in time. This was reported by The Wall Street Journal on Thursday, December 7.


The newspaper writes that the military on the front line complain about the lack of necessary equipment, which complicates the difficult situation at combat positions under enemy fire. Polish truckers demand that the European Union restore the permit system for Ukrainian carriers, which was canceled after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

"With strong political leadership, all this could be fixed. The economic losses suffered by Polish and other truck drivers require targeted assistance: this is exactly the kind of problem for which the European Union can be useful. But as the blockade drags on into its second month, Brussels' inability to address the issue is compounded by the internal politics of Ukraine and its neighbors; aggressive Russian propaganda; divergent business interests; and, increasingly, bitter emotions," said Edward Lucas, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis.

In his opinion, petty disputes over rules have gotten out of hand. Instead of getting closer to a resolution, the blockade is expanding, as Polish farmers are now blocking the fourth major crossing and Slovak carriers, assisted by Hungarian truckers, are joining the protest, the WSJ notes.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 08/12/2023

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