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Prague will allocate a million euros to support for Ukrainians

May 22, 2024

The authorities of Prague allocate 20 million Czech crowns (approximately 800,000 euros) for programs for the integration and adaptation of Ukrainian refugees in the city. 10 projects will receive funding.


What support will be provided to refugees from Ukraine in the Czech capital, RBC-Ukraine tells with a link to ukraina.radio.cz.

The City Hall of Prague has decided to finance the activities of public organizations that help Ukrainian refugees adapt to the city and integrate into the life of the city. In 2024, the local government will allocate 20 million Czech crowns (about 800,000 euros) for projects in the social, housing, intercultural work, or mental health sectors.

"Prague has for a long time taken a very responsible approach to solving the situation of Ukrainian refugees. We fund extensive support to the non-profit sector to help these people adapt and integrate into Czech society. I consider this our moral obligation to Ukraine, which is bravely fighting for freedom and democracy. We provide shelter and decent living conditions to those fleeing the horrors of war. The approval of a grant of 20 million kroner should ensure the continuity and further development of these key types of activity," said Deputy Mayor Jirji Pospishyl.

The authorities have chosen 10 projects that will receive funding. For some already allocated funds:

The Archdiocesan Charity (Arcidiecézní Charita Praha) will support the adaptation and integration of refugees through intercultural work and will implement a psychotherapeutic support project.

Consultation on integration issues (Poradna pro integris) will help Ukrainians adapt and teach them to act independently in various situations.

Another 7 projects will receive 1 million crowns each, which still need to be approved by the Prague City Council. Among them are the projects of the Refugee Aid Organization, "Prague Maidan," and the Integration Center of Prague.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 23/05/2024

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