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President of Lithuania: Ukraine writes its Constitution with blood

Jun 28, 2023

On Ukraine's Constitution Day, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda said that Ukrainians "write the text of the Basic Law with blood."

According to Yevropeiska Pravda, he said this during a joint press conference with Presidents Andrzej Duda and Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv.

"Every nation writes its Constitution in ink, but few write it in blood... Since 2014, Ukraine has been defending its independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, protecting its culture and language, flag and coat of arms. It is also defending its way into the Western world, namely the EU and NATO," Nauseda emphasized.


Speaking about the prospects of Ukraine's accession to NATO, the Lithuanian leader said that Ukraine will become a member of the Alliance and Lithuania supports it.

He said that the Vilnius summit should clearly confirm that Ukraine is an integral part of NATO's transatlantic architecture in Europe and that the path to its membership in the Alliance should be opened.

Author - Olena Madiak, 28/06/2023

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