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President: We must prepare for the NATO summit in Washington

Aug 2, 2023

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has instructed ambassadors to begin preparations for the next summit of the North Atlantic Alliance in Washington, D.C., in 2024, so that it can become "historic" for Ukraine.

This was stated in Zelenskyy's speech during a meeting with the heads of Ukraine's foreign diplomatic missions, according to Yevropeiska Pravda.

The head of state noted the positive results of the Vilnius NATO summit, where, according to him, Ukraine managed to "change the philosophy of relations with the Alliance - finally, the time of the invitation for Ukraine to join NATO is being discussed."


"We have removed the taboo on such conversations. This is important," he added.

In this light, Zelenskyy called for preparations to begin for the NATO summit in Washington.

"The summit can be historic for Ukraine and all our NATO allies, and it depends on everyone. And on all of you, dear diplomats, and on everyone who works for Ukraine, and on everyone in the Alliance. Security is always a joint effort, and by December of this year we must lay the foundation for such joint efforts," he explained.

Author - Olena Madiak, 02/08/2023

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