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Prime Minister of Poland supports the death penalty

Jan 3, 2023

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki believes that the death penalty can be imposed for the most serious crimes, such as treason - it has been officially banned in the country since 1997 and has not been carried out since 1988.


According to "European Truth", Moravetsky said this in a live broadcast on Facebook on Monday, answering questions from Internet users.

One of the questions concerned whether the introduction of the death penalty for the most serious crimes would help to restrain "your and your colleagues' desire to destroy and plunder Polish property, to reduce citizens to the rank of slaves."

In response, the Prime Minister of Poland said that his government was engaged in the nationalization of enterprises sold out by his predecessors, and as an example of "slavery" he cited the increase of the retirement age by the same predecessors.

"I will use this fragment to say that in general, I believe that with this death penalty, we should rethink it, and not act hastily, like the modern world, to quickly eliminate it. In my opinion, the death penalty should be allowed for the most serious crimes," Morawiecki further said.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 03/01/2023

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