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Radom Airport, rebuilt from scratch, opened in Poland

Apr 27, 2023

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki officially opened Warsaw-Radom Airport, located about 100 kilometers from the Polish capital.

This was reported by Polsat News.

"Few people believed that this investment would be realized at all. (...) This proves to me that we are lifting the curse from Radom that the communists imposed on this city after 1976, after June," the prime minister said.

Morawiecki argues that an airport in Radom makes "a lot of sense." "Today, the port of Warsaw-Okęce is absolutely overloaded, so the creation of this port is of great importance in order to unload the port of Warsaw-Okęce, and in the future the Central Communication Port. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense in terms of infrastructure and logistics," the Prime Minister emphasized.


Flights from Radom will be operated by LOT. Starting April 28, passengers will be able to travel to three European cities: Paris, Rome, and Copenhagen.

Radom Airport began operations in May 2014. For a short time, flights were operated from the city, in particular, to Riga and Berlin. It was the only public airport in Poland created without EU support. The city invested over PLN 100 million in its creation.

After the municipal company Port Lotniczy Radom was declared bankrupt by the court in 2018, the airport was bought by Polskie Porty Lotnicze and built almost from scratch. The cost of the investment is about 800 million zlotys. The terminal will be able to handle about a million passengers a year at the initial stage, and later - more than three million people a year.

Author - Olena Madiak, 27/04/2023

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