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Ratification of the Rome Statute will not harm Ukraine - Kuleba

Mar 24, 2023

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has called for the ratification of the Rome Statute, which is the basis for the International Criminal Court.

Yevropeiska Pravda said this during an Instagram interview with journalist Vadym Karpiak.

"It is definitely necessary to ratify (the Rome Statute - ed.) so that all these prejudices that it will somehow harm Ukraine itself are (were - ed.) prejudices and nothing more," the foreign minister emphasized.

Kuleba reminded us that Ukraine now fully recognizes the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court even without ratification.

"And this should not be forgotten either. Therefore, all those who say that there are any obstacles to Ukraine's cooperation with the ICC because we have not ratified the statute are being disingenuous," he added.

Author - Olena Madiak, 24/03/2023

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