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RF may use chemical weapons if AFU succeeds in counteroffensive

May 16, 2023

The UK has expressed concern that if the Ukrainian Defense Forces successfully counterattack, the aggressor country, Russia, could take another dastardly step and use chemical weapons. They believe that the Kremlin may decide to use unconventional weapons systems.


This was stated by the head of the British Ministry of Defense, Ben Wallace, speaking in parliament on Monday, May 15, the Independent reports. According to him, after constant threats from Moscow, London is "very wary of what will happen next."

Wallace said that if Ukraine's counteroffensive to retake all the territories seized by Russia is successful, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin "could" turn ugly and resort to using unconventional weapons systems in Ukraine.

"We must always be wary of the behavior of the Russian military and Putin," the British Defense Secretary said.

He recalled how representatives of the Russian army massively poisoned Syrians, helping the Assad regime. Chemical weapons have also been used in the United Kingdom - Wallace recalled the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal with the Novichok nerve agent in Salisbury in 2018.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 16/05/2023

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