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Russia started firing missiles at Ukraine directly from assembly line

Aug 18, 2023

Russia has started using missiles in Ukraine that have only recently been released from the assembly line and have not passed all tests.

This was reported by Bloomberg.


The publication notes that the Russian missile recently discovered by the Armed Forces of Ukraine indicates that the occupiers are running out of some modern weapons. At the same time, the Russians have to produce missiles faster to maintain the intensity of hostilities.

The missile found in June in the north of Sumy region was fired from a Tornado-S multiple launch rocket system.

“Casing markers show the projectile was made just the previous month, on May 19. According to StateWatch, batches normally go through several months of tests before they are used and appear on the front line”, the article notes.

The casing also had an unusually close expiration date on it – September 12 this year. This is another possible sign that Russian manufacturers are cutting corners to rush missiles to the front line.

As the device didn’t explode, researchers were able to view its motherboard and other components, which were not of the ready-made specification expected, StateWatch said. Some parts had been soldered manually, while components were manufactured by both Russian and U.S. companies, including Intel Corp-owned Altera Corp. and Analog Devices Inc, Bloomberg says.

Both companies have stated that they do not sell their products to Russia and comply with all sanctions.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 18/08/2023

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