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Russian Federation uses Ukrainian army uniforms in the Tauride sector

Sep 25, 2023

The Russian military in the Taurian direction uses the uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but the Ukrainian military can recognize the enemy and do not allow them to approach their positions.


Colonel Oleksandr Shtupun, the spokesman for the United Press Center of the Defense Forces of the Tavria Region, stated this on the air of the telethon, RBC-Ukraine reports.

Earlier, he said that the occupiers in the Tavria direction began to change into the uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but he did not call it a mass phenomenon.

"Because there is no uniform, but let's say some specific units somewhere on their own initiative, somewhere maybe by order (they wear a uniform - ed.). I understand that there are not many of our uniforms, so it cannot be called a mass phenomenon," said Shtupun .

According to him, periodically since the first large-scale invasion, this has been recorded near Chernigov, and near Kyiv, and then already near Bakhmut, in the Luhansk region, and in the Tavria direction, the enemy also does not stop violating the rules of warfare.

The spokesman of the joint press center of the Defense Forces of the Tavrya direction clarified that in this way the enemy is trying to mislead the Ukrainian military so that they let him approach their positions as much as possible. Stupun clarified that the Armed Forces have certain algorithms for understanding "own-foreign", so the military cannot be deceived just like that.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 26/09/2023

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