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Scholz announces even greater cooperation with Poland in support of Ukraine

Jul 2, 2024

During his visit to Warsaw, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz specifically mentioned the Russian-Ukrainian war and announced even deeper cooperation with Poland to support Ukraine.

According to Yevropeiska Pravda, his statements at a briefing with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk were cited by RMF24.


Scholz emphasized that Russia's attack on Ukraine has destroyed the peaceful order in Europe and threatens the security of the entire continent. He also noted that Germany and Poland are among the countries that provide Ukraine with the greatest support - diplomatic, military and shelter for Ukrainians who found themselves in their countries because of the war.

"We stand together with Ukraine and Ukrainians in their tireless struggle against Russia's imperialist war... We will cooperate even more closely in supporting Ukraine and accompanying Ukraine on its path to EU membership," the German Chancellor said.

He added that Poland and Germany will deepen cooperation in the security sector. "In concrete terms, this means that we want to take on the role of leaders in the Baltic region - within NATO and in the defense of the eastern flank," Scholz said, noting that Poland's security is also Germany's security.

Much of the chancellor's speech concerned Germany's historical guilt toward Poland over the crimes of the Third Reich. Among other things, he said that the government had decided to create a memorial to the victims of the Nazi occupation of Poland, the Polish-German House, in Berlin.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 02/07/2024  

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