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Sweden to allocate more than $500 million for Ukraine's recovery

Jul 18, 2023

Swedish Minister of International Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell has announced the government's intention to allocate more than $584 million to help rebuild Ukraine and implement reforms to pave the way for its EU membership.

"These funds, which will be distributed between 2023 and 2027, are part of a newly developed assistance strategy specifically designed for Ukraine," the minister said, according to RBC-Ukraine.

He emphasized that these funds form the basis of Swedish assistance to Ukraine.

"This is the largest and most ambitious bilateral strategy ever developed by Sweden. This will be complemented by additional targeted investments," Forssell added.

The funds will be used to build Ukrainian infrastructure and institutions, such as healthcare; expand Ukraine's access to non-fossil fuel energy, and transition to greener technologies. The assistance will also be used to strengthen security and human rights.

"In the future, we want to see not one, but two flags in Kyiv. Ukrainian and European flags," Forssell said.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 18/07/2023

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