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Sunak announces early parliamentary elections in Britain on July 4

May 22, 2024

On May 22, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced early parliamentary elections on July 4.

Source: Sunak during an emergency address in Downing Street, according to Yevropeiska Pravda.

Details: Sunak announced that earlier on Wednesday he had met with the King of Britain and asked him to dissolve the parliament, a formal procedure required to call early elections.


“The King has granted this request,” he added, announcing the House of Commons elections on July 4 and confirming British media reports.

The British prime minister listed the achievements of his government, focusing on improving the economic situation and measures to curb illegal migration.

At the same time, he accused the main opposition Labor Party and its leader, Keir Starmer, of having “no plan” for governing Britain.

Author - Olena Madiak, 22/05/2024

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