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Supply of ammunition to Ukraine should accelerate in the coming days

Apr 24, 2023

The European Union countries are providing ammunition at Ukraine's urgent request, and their number should increase given the urgency of the issue.

This was stated by EU diplomat Josep Borrell after a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg, according to Yevropeiska Pravda.

"Today we talked about the needs of Ukraine. I can say that more than 31 billion euros of military support have already been provided. We continue to fulfill our promise of 1 billion for ammunition. We have already provided about a thousand missiles. The amount of ammunition is growing and should increase faster in the coming days," Borrell said.

He explained that the first element of the agreement on reimbursement of the EU governments' expenses for sending Ukraine ammunition is already in place.

As for the second element of the agreement, which provides for €1 billion in funding for joint EU procurement, the ministers have reached an agreement, but the final decision has not yet been made. Borrell emphasized that despite this, the procurement process is being actively prepared so that it can start working as soon as the decision is made.

"We know that Ukraine urgently needs ammunition and missiles. And they need them to defend their territory. The situation is not that Russia does not want to stop, and Ukraine does not want to stop. Russia doesn't want to stop the invasion, and Ukraine has to continue to defend itself. That is the correct way to explain what is happening there," Borrell said.

Author - Olena Madiak, 24/04/2023

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