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Sweden agrees with Finland to purchase armored personnel carriers

Apr 18, 2023

The Logistics Directorate of the Swedish Ministry of Defense (FMV) has signed a contract with the Finnish arms company Patria to supply a significant number of armored vehicles, including new-generation armored personnel carriers.

The Swedish defense ministry said in a comment to SVT.

The APC project is multinational: Finland, Latvia, and Germany are participating in it, and the first two already have this armored vehicle.

The framework agreement concluded on Monday provides for the delivery of the first batch of the new generation Pansarterrängbil 300 armored personnel carriers to Sweden in the amount of 20 units in May. The cost of each of them is estimated at 11 million Swedish kronor (970 thousand euros).


Sweden is expected to receive several hundred of these vehicles for its Armed Forces.

"It will be a reliable, easy-to-operate machine with low maintenance costs. This creates opportunities for cooperation in production, maintenance, further development, and sharing, or what we call interoperability," FMV said.

The Swedish Ministry of Defense's Logistics Directorate emphasizes close defense cooperation with Finland on many levels, as well as a strong desire to deepen cooperation in the field of production.

Author - Olena Madiak, 18/04/2023

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