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The enemy fired on five communities in Sumy region - 78 "hits"

Feb 22, 2023

On February 21, Russian invaders fired on five communities in the Sumy region, 78 hits were recorded.


According to Ukrinform, this was reported by the Sumy Regional Military Administration on Facebook.

A private house and an outbuilding were damaged as a result of mortar shelling of the village of Grabovske of the Krasnopil territorial community around 14:00. At that time, the enemy launched five mines. The shelling of the community continued at 15:50, 7 mortar and one artillery hits were recorded. This time there were no consequences.

The Russians also fired mortars and artillery at the territory of Esman, Bilopil, Novoslobid, and Vorozhbiansk communities.

The enemy fired at the Bilopil community from self-propelled artillery systems, five hits were recorded, and 17 mines were dropped.

Mortar shelling continued in the Novoslobidska community since 10:00, 25 hits were recorded.

At 10:20 a.m., the aggressor fired artillery at the Vorozhyanka community, 12 hits were recorded.

At 10:25, the Russians dropped 6 mines on the territory of the Esman community.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 22/02/2023

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