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The EU may punish Poland for blocking Ukraine's border

Nov 17, 2023

The European Commission may initiate a procedure to punish Poland if the Polish authorities do not solve the problem of blocking border crossings with Ukraine.


This became known to a correspondent of the Polish RMF FM in Brussels, Yevropeiska Pravda reports.

The European Commission emphasizes that the Polish authorities are obliged to ensure the flow of goods from Ukraine through the so-called "solidarity corridors". According to EU law, the Polish authorities must ensure the free movement of Ukrainian trucks at border crossings, a spokesman for the European Commission told RMF FM.

Some in the EC believe that the Polish authorities are not doing everything to solve the problem and end the protest of Polish carriers, and Brussels is clearly losing patience.

RMF FM has learned from unofficial sources that the European Commission is considering whether the Polish authorities have violated the EU regulation on trade liberalization with Ukraine, which was recently extended until June 2024. Currently, the European Commission has to investigate the legal grounds for launching a punitive procedure.

Officially, the EC does not want to comment on the measures it may take against the Polish authorities, as it assures that negotiations with Poland and Ukraine are ongoing.

"The European Commission is still in contact with the authorities of both countries, we cannot comment on potential measures as discussions are ongoing," said the EC spokesperson.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 17/11/2023

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