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The number of visa applications to Estonia has dropped dramatically

Jan 12, 2023

In Estonia in 2022 significantly decreased the number of applications for visas, which is associated primarily with restrictions on the entry of Russian citizens as a result of a full-scale attack by Russia on Ukraine - the lion's share came from the Russians.

According to the ERR, the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told this story.

The tendency to reduce the number of applications has been observed since the first year of the pandemic coronavirus because of restrictions on movement, and with the beginning of a full-scale war has increased.


In 2022, foreigners filed 40% fewer applications for an Estonian visa than in 2021 - about 31.5 thousand, compared to 52.5 thousand. This figure was even lower than about 33 thousand applications in 2020 when there were severe travel restrictions due to the pandemic.

The Foreign Ministry attributes this to the response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine - the closure of missions, restrictions on the entry of Russian citizens, and the issuance of visas.

The number of applications from Russian citizens in 2022 decreased by 60% compared to 2021, and by 89% compared to 2019.

Russians accounted for the lion's share among applicants - so, in St. Petersburg in 2019 processed more than 66 thousand applications for an Estonian visa, in Moscow - more than 45 thousand, in Pskov - about 13 thousand, the fourth month was the capital of Belarus.

Author - Olena Madiak, 12/01/2023

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